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Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 7 months ago

Forum Meetings


The first meeting was held on Wednesday 26 October 2005 at the Archaeology centre in Bagshot. Peter Tipton wrote some notes after the meeting which are contained in StartMinutes. He also asked questions about our purposes for this wiki and Richard Johnston replied WebsiteDesign


On Saturday 8 Mar 2008 Phil Stevens organised a joint meeting at Bagshot Archaeology Centre on behalf of two subgroups of the Surrey Archaeology Society: the Mediaeval Studies Forum & the Village Studies Group. The principal speaker was Peter Tipton who gave a presentation entitled Borderware - The Historians' Contribution to the Quest followed in the afternoon session by an offline demonstration of this website. Phil Stevens gave a talk on The History of Bagshot Park and Village, taken from his recently published booklet. Phil also conducted a guided tour of Bagshot including a visit to see the mediaeval wall paintings in one of three former ancient inns in the High Street and one of UK's oldest police stations built in 1849. Surrey Heath's Archaeology Centre is itself housed in the second former police station. One of the objectives of the seminar was to encourage more archaeologists and local historians to contribute to this website. There were some 28 participants

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