

Page history last edited by R H Johnston 15 years, 11 months ago

Berkshire Hampshire Surrey Heathlands Local History and Archaeology Research Forum



This is the Research Forum for Local History and Archaeological Societies in North-East Hampshire, North-West Surrey and South-East Berkshire.


This "wiki" site allows members of these Societies to communicate with each other easily by posting notices etc. on the site themselves for others to read and use. Any member can edit existing pages or add pages and information to this as he sees fit. For instructions see how to use this forum.


This site is open to the Public and can be read by anyone who knows about it, so please bear in mind the need to protect people's privacy. Any member of the Research Forum who has the password can edit the pages and develop the site. The whole idea is that this is a website created by the users, rather than by a webmaster.


Use the SideBar on the right to navigate the site.


If you get stuck or need the password to edit a page then contact Richard Johnston, wikimaster giving your name, the research group(s) you are associated with, and your research interests and contact details. These details will be added to the researcher contact list which is accessible only by Forum members.


The Wiki website front door is at http://heathhist.pbwiki.com/


27 Feb 2009 Special Notice

- we have been forced by the hosting company to transfer to their new, supposedly better, system. I will have to reinvite most people contributing to this site again as the old system of giving you an invite key no longer works. You will also have to use their new editor. The easiest way is usually to prepare material in MS Word (or Excel for tables) and then copy and paste into their editor. It preserves most of the formatting - any problems - let me know by contacting Richard Johnston, wikimaster

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