Will of Herman Raynolls (Reynolds), Potter of Farnborough
Transcribed by Peter Tipton from microfiche in Hampshire Record Office
HRO reference 1609A62
1 In the name of God amen, the 8th day of Februarie
2 in Ju. ann 1608. I Herman Raynolls of the parishe of
3 Farnborow & countie of South Potter being
4 sicke in bodie but of good & perfecte rememberance prai-
5 sed be God doe make & ordaine this my last will and
6 testament in maner & forme followinge, that is to say,
7 first I comend my soule into the hands of my only
8 saviour & redeemer Jesus Christ, & mie bodie to be bu-
9 ried in the Church or church yard of Farnborow
10 aforesaide. And I bequeth unto the mother church
11 of Winchester ___ 4d. Item I give & bequeath unto
12 Margarett my wife besides the fiftie pounds given
13 unto her alreadie in lands 10s. Item whereas I
14 have in the hands of Henrie Brooke of the parishe
15 of Chersey in the countie of Surry the some of
16 Fourtie & foure pounds I doe give & bequeath £5
17 of the saide money unto Elizabeth Watts the daughter
18 of my sonne in lawe Nicholas Watts of Hooke in the
19 parish of Farnborow aforesaid. And I bequeath unto
20 the other five children of my said sonne in lawe
21 Nicholas Watts of Hooke __ £15 more of the said some
22 of £44 now in the hands of the said Henrie Brookes
23 of Chersey aforesaid equallie to be devided amoungst
24 them to witte, unto each of them _ £3 a peece. Item
25 I give an bequeath unto my daughter Grace the wiefe
26 of Nicholas Watts of Bramshotte in the parish of
27 Yately the some of £5 of lawfull Englishe money
28 now in the hands of Robte Puttocke of the said
29 parishe of Yately. Item I give unto mie daughter
30 Graces two children __ 20s a peece to be
31 paide unto them out of the saide some of money
32 now in the hands of the said Henry Brooks of the
33 parishe of Chersey aforesaid. All the rest of my goods
34 not given and bequeathed my debts beinge payde &
35 my legaces discharged I give & bequeath unto
36 my daughter Alse Watts the wief of Nicholas
37 Watts of Hooke, whom I make my full & sole ex-
38 ecutrix of this mie last will & testament. And
39 I desire Nicholas Pye minister & Richard Pawlson (?)
40 to be the overseers of this my last will & testament
42 Witnessed hereof Nicholas Pye minister
43 and John ?oton
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