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Page history last edited by Peter Tipton 14 years, 7 months ago

Will of Sir Thomas White of South Warnborough, Master of Requests, proved 1567

transcribed by Peter Tipton, Feb 2010 from PROB11/49 TNA on-line image ref 35/28


In the name of god Amen The xxi day of Februarye in the year of

2  oure Lorde god A thousande five hundreth threscore and three and in the sixte yere of the raigne of

3  our soveraigne Ladie Elizabeth by the grace of god, Quene of Englande Frannce and Ireland

4  defender of the faith etc I Thomas White of Sowthworne borne in the countie of South knight

5  beinge of perfitte mynde and reason, suche as it hath pleased Almightie god to give me, knowinge

6  certainly that I shall leave this presente life howe sonne, suddenly, or after what sorte beinge moste

7  uncertayne and unsure, Doe therefore make and declare this present testament contayninge therin

8  my laste will in manner and forme Ensuynge.  Firste in my moste hartieste and devouteste

9  wise I give and bequeath my soule to Almightie god, that created and Redeemed hit, beseachinge

10 him of his infynite merceye and goodnes to take and receve the same, and to put hit into his

11 glorie, for whiche hit was created for, to the lawde and praise of his moste hollye name.  I

12 beleve in the Father, the Sonne, and they holye ghoste and all that hollye churche, the verye

13 Espous(?) of Christe holdeth and beloveth, In the whiche faithe, I proteste to lyve and dye, beseachinge

14 Christe, for the merrittes of his moste painefull and bitter passion, and all thollye companye of

15 heaven to be intercessors for me to Almightie god the father of heaven in all my Agonies, trobles

16 and paine of death that I may not onely stedfastly persever, and abyde in the saide beliefe, but

17 also that I may have contynually perfitte faithe hope and charitie notwithstanding the saide

18 Agonies, for that my sowle may be saved, Item I will my sinfull bodie to be buried in the Parishe

19 church of Southwarneborne, yf I fortune to dye there And if I shall happen to dye in any other

20 place, Then my bodye to be buried in suche hallowed grownde where my executors shall appointe

21 and suche obsequies, Almes, and other services to be donne as well at my saide burienge and

22 monthes mynde, as my saide executors shall also appointe. Further I will that all suche persons

23 unto whome I have solde my mannors, Landes or tenements or made any Leases for terme of

24 yeres, have and enioye theire purchase and leases, accordinge to the terms of there bargaynes, for

25 they have well and truely paide and agreed with me for the same,  I give and bequeath to

26 everie of my godchildren one eweshepe to be delivered unto them by my executors after my

27 deathe or at suche tyme as my saide executors shall thincke moste meet, I give and bequeath

28 to everie servantee that shalbe dwellinge with me at the tyme of my death over and beside

29 theire wages vis viiid. Item I give to the reperacion and Amendinge of the parishe church

30 of Southwarnborne fyve pounde.  This is the laste wyll of me the saide Thomas

25 White, And where I am possessed of the farme of Upsidlinge, in the countye of Dorset for terme

26 of certaine yeres yet enduringe, I will that the profittes of the saide farme withall the stockes

27 and stores of sheepe and cattell, thereupon remayninge shalbe and remayne in the handes

28 of my welbeloved wif and her assignes for and duringe the space of xiii yeres nexte after

29 my decease, and she there with and with suche other goodes and cattells as I shall Leave at the

30 tyme of my death to pay my debtes, see my bodye decentlye buried and to marrie my

31 Daughters, that I shall leave then alyve and unmarried, and after that donne and performed

32 Then she to give and paye owte the proffittes of the same farme, to my sonne Stephen the

33 elder one hundred pounde, to my sonne Gabriell one hundred pounde, and to my yonger

34 sonne Steven one hundred pounde, of the proffites of the same farme, And to my sonne Francis

35 one other hundred pounde, yf they then be Lyvinge, And if they or any of them decease, then

36 I will the same to remayne to my welbeloved wife. And all the saide Legacies to be geven

37 and paide unto them as yt shall severally growe due owte of the saide farme, And so and

38 uppon condicion, as they and everie of them shalbe ordered, ruled, and governed, by there

39 saide mother, and not otherwise. I will and bequeath to William Powlett, the sonne of

40 the Lord Chidiocke Powlett, owte of the proffittes of the saide farme, and as it shall growe

41 dewe fiftie poundes to praye for my sowle, and if it happen the saide William Powlett to

42 die before the yeres of xxii, Then I will the same fiftie poundes to be divided amonge such

43 the daughters of the Lord Chidiocke as shalbe then alive, Elizabeth, Katherine

44 Susande. Item I give to John White the sonne of Thomas White of the proffittes of the saide

45 farme at his age of xxii yeres fiftie poundes. Item I give to Anne White, the daughter of

46 Richard White, owte of the proffettes of the saide farme twentie pounde at her adge of xviii yeres.

47 Item I give to Frances Carrell, the daughter of Marie Carrell, owte of the proffittes of the said

48 farme twentie pounde to be paide her at the age of xviii yeres.  The residue of all my goodes

49 and cattelles my debtes paide and my will performed, I frelye give and bequeath to my welbeloved

50 wief. Item where I have in custodie by the will of Anthonie Hall gent deceased, by his Laste will

51 and testament certayne plate, that is to saie three booles with a cover of silver and gilte, a silver

52 cuppe with a cover parcell gilte xii silver spones with gilte knoppes, one salte parcell gilte with owte

53 a cover, a chaine of golde contayninge twoe hundreth fowre skore and one Linkes, xlv paire of Aglettes

54 of golde blackeenameled, a browche of golde a ringe of golde. I will the same to be delivered unto his

55 saide sonne at the age as it is appointed by his Fathers will, And my wief to see the same truelye

56 annswered as she will annswere before Almightie god, accordyinge to the meaninge of the will & testament

57 of the saide Anthonie Halle, Another I give and bequeath to the Lord Chidiocke Powlett one gilte standinge

58 Cuppe with a Cover, the which was my fathers and my beste goldinge, most hartely prayinge him to helpe and

59 assist my Lovinge wief in all troubles and neccessities. Item I give unto my deare and welbeloved Cosen

60 Maister Robert White, one dozen of Silver sponnes with apostlles heddes, and to my Cosen his wief one ringe

61 of golde for a remembrannce to praye for my sowle. Item I give unto my brother in Lawe Mr John White

62 Alderman of London a ringe of golde for a remembrannce to praye for my sowle. And further I give unto

63 Peter Tichborne my servante a ringe of golde and fyve poundes in money to helpe and assiste my

64 Lovinge wief in all her necessities and sutes. Item I give and bequeath unto my lovinge Brother Mr

65 Harrie White gent the some of tenne pounds to be paide to him at thende of ii yeres after my decease yf

66 he shalbe then Livinge. Item I give and bequeath unto my welbeloved Cosen Mrs Margarett Kyrton of

67 London widowe one ringe of golde for a remembrance to pray for my sowle. Item I give unto my

68 Stewarde Roberte Quinnybe tenne pounds in money uppon truste that I have in him that he will well

69 and truely serve my wief, as he hath done to me hetherto. Item I give unto my Servante Thomas

70 Brabon fourtie shillinges, to helpe and assiste my loving wief in all her fines and sutes. Item I

71 give unto my Servannte Nicholas Frilande the some of fourtie shillings. Item I give and bequeath

72 unto John Apowell, for that he hath ben so longe my servante fourtie shillings a yere duringe his

73 naturall lyf. Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Hannyball my servante, if he be with me

74 at the tyme of death fourtie ahillinges. And executors of this my presente testament and laste

75 will I ordeyne and make my true and faithfull wief Agnes White, and my Lovinge friende

76 the Lorde Chidiocke Powlett. Item that all and everie clause above written dothe conteyne my

77 true testament and laste will, which I do affirm by this saide writinge, And in further testymony

78 and witnes wherof I have to the same sette my seale and subscribed my name, the yere and that

79 day firste above written by me Thomas White   Item I give in Almes at the tyme of death

80 to Upton, Odiham, Sutton, Farnaham, and Southwarnborne, Alton, Basingstoke to everie of

81 them twentie shillinges


Probate granted to Agnes White relict and executrix, 1 February 1567


NB There appear to be no witnesses to this will as presented


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Return to biography of Sir John White, MP, Alderman of London and merchant


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